

Since 2017, I’ve been heading up to the Rancho regularly for private ceremonies, psychotherapy. Brett and Chelsey use their expertise and intuition to prepare me ahead of time, facilitate these transformative experiences, and perhaps most importantly, to then help me integrate lessons from these experiences into my everyday life. This work has been foundational to my journey of personal growth as I’ve learned to be more comfortable in my own skin and create the life I want. Over these years, I’ve referred some of my closest friends and family members to them with the highest confidence.

 - J. B.

If you are feeling depressed, anxious, low on energy or somehow not quite right, consider booking a visit to Brett and Chelsey. With tender loving care, this dynamic duo will help you get to the heart of your issues and find the clarity to clear them once and for all. They use proven enthogen-assisted therapy as recognized by leaders in the field including Drs. Bernardo Kastrup, Rick Doblin, and Roland Griffiths. Brett and Chelsey care deeply about the integrity of their work and you will find after your very first session that what they care about most is you and own self-actualization. Highly recommended!

- D. H.

Brett and Chelsey are the real deal. 

I consider myself blessed to have known and worked with them as guides for over a decade, working with a variety of medicines, receiving their skilled, compassionate and attuned support at different stages of my life—through times of uncertainty, celebration, crisis, and growth. My work with them has been one of the fundamental pillars of support on my unfolding life’s journey and I can safely say that I am a different and better person as a result.

I consider them true elders in the field of psychedelic healing. Their decades of personal and professional experience set them apart in the current psychedelic gold-rush, populated by recently-credentialed johnny-come-latelies with limited clinical experience and often even less deep personal experience with the medicines.

They beautifully compliment one another, masculine and feminine, yin and yang—Brett’s intellectual brilliance and understanding of all the relevant developmental, psychological and spiritual maps, with Chelsey’s heart and emotion-centered, poetic, somatic, nurturing attunement and care. For me personally, their particular pairing has been a potent and safe combination for healing my early attachment wounds. 

Aside from being expert guides, they are also genuinely kind, caring, and down-to-earth people with a huge amount of integrity. There are few people in the world who I could so easily and wholeheartedly recommend to support you in this deeply vulnerable and transformative work.

- M. R.

Brett and Chelsey have facilitated me building a wonderful relationship with ME!  They are professional, knowledgeable and skilled as well as kind, compassionate and loving.  The more work I do with them….the greater my respect and appreciation for who they are and how very fortunate I am to know them.

Knowledgeable, compassionate guides who hold up a candle for me discover who I am, and the beauty of who we all are!

When I sit with Brett and Chelsey, even just to drink a glass of water, I feel awe in having these two wise and compassionate people fully present with me, and so much love and acceptance.  I didn’t realize what i’d been missing until I experienced this!  I brought my daughter to meet them just for the magic of being seen and heard and wrapped in their love and acceptance and presence.  It blessed my daughter and me, and our relationship continues to grow deeper ever since having time at Forest Ranch.

Wise, compassionate and fully present guides who provide a safe place to explore who I am in this world.  A rare and precious gift!  I have so much respect and gratitude for Brett and Chelsey and the work they do.

 - J. B.

Before seeing Brett and Chelsey, I found myself struggling to deal with what I can only describe as an awakening. Over the past few years I have been able to redirect my life with a more grounded and fruitful approach. What has unfolded for me with the help of my sessions with Brett and Chelsey is a deeper understanding of who I am. Thanks to their guidance, I now see life’s challenges as gifts. Today, my relationship with my family and loved ones are deeper and more meaningful. I wholeheartedly believe that my work with Brett and Chelsey has led to real and repeatable results that continue to help me everyday. They are a wealth of knowledge combined with the authenticity and courage to let you be and know your true self. Although life is filled with its ups and downs, I find myself enjoying the ride a lot more!


- JS

There is a particular kind of magic between Brett and Chelsey. The amount of medicine work they’ve done themselves, and the  quality of love and peace with which they weave their relationship to the land, to the work, and each other is powerful.

I found working with them to feel both deeply grounding and humorously delightful, profoundly philosophical and nourishingly human.

But the true gift they offer comes in how they work together as a team. Brett was like a card magician of the mind, expanding on and creating new contexts for my insights, and still somehow drawing me toward that sacred room where one must simply make a choice… while Chelsey would respond to my inquiries and questions with an embodied softness and care, and fiercely loving reflections that went straight to my heart.

This loving wisdom dance they do together is something I aspire to in my own life and work. 

- C. M.

Having worked with Brett and Chelsey over the years, I have experienced profound breakthroughs that have changed my life in very positive ways. This was only made possible by the way they hold space. The container they create is incredibly safe, thoughtful, informative, and downright magical. Integration is a powerful component of their work and is not as common as one might expect in this type of practice. They have helped me to incorporate this into my own practice and truly reap the benefits of the courage it takes to show up. You can tell that they love the work they do, it shows up in every detail!

- N. A.